Hi! I’m Lillie (she/her). I’m a Los Angeles transplant who’s lived in Crown Heights Brooklyn for 7 years. I enjoy, among other things, video games, karaoke, and potatoes.

I’ve worked as a backend engineer (Cube, Best Bet 55, Truveris) and as a computer science instructor & curriculum developer (Justice through Code at Columbia University, The American Museum of Natural History, Connecticut College). I love to teach and I love to code, and I’ve had the immense privilege of being able to do both.

You can find me on LinkedIn and GitHub, or email me directly. If you’d like to see my resume before reaching out, you can download it here! In the meantime, stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.

Tech Resources

2019 - Present

I maintain a curated sheet of job boards, mentorship opportunities, code practice and prep sites, and tech writers to follow. Email me to add a resource!

Classon Community Fridge

2021 - Present

The Classon Community Fridge partners with local markets and food establishments in Crown Heights Brooklyn to bring at-risk food to the community.

Techies for Reproductive Justice

2022 - Present

An open source volunteer community working towards bodily autonomy for all via the Digital Defense Fund. All tech experience welcome!

Justice Through Code

2021 - 2023

I first mentored, lectured, and then became Director of Technical Instruction at Columbia University’s Justice Through Code program, teaching justice-impacted individuals to code.


2020 - 2021

As part of CodePath’s Summer mentorship program, I ran weekly tech interview prep for 5 students over 3 months. I also volunteered in their resume review and mock interviews.



I worked the larger PyGotham conference and ran the Young Coders day-long workshop for 10 - 18 year olds to learn how to code with Python and micro-controllers called micro:bits.

Curriculum Hackathon


I helped design and run this Cornell Tech event to unite computer scientists and educators in creating innovative, interdisciplinary computer science K-12 curriculum.



Natalia Rodriguez and I spoke at SXSW Edu on the pedagogy behind the American Museum of Natural History’s BridgeUp: STEM program.

Dance Church

Dance Church (#notacult) is part dance class part dance club, all energy. I learned about it during quarantine and took the rule ’never stop dancing’ to heart.

The Spelling Bee

The NYT Spelling Bee has kept my mom and I both entertained and connected on a daily basis for years. Who doesn’t love being called a genius (almost) every day?

Gotham Archery

Turns out archery is super fun! Gotham Archery has proven a delightful, safe, inviting environment for discovering a new hobby and ability.

Twitch Streaming

@Maxamander and I are 4 years into our twitch streaming career and going strong. Gaming with friends has built community, consistency, and actually, skill!